35 research outputs found

    Optimization of a Call Centre Performance Using the Stochastic Queueing Models

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    Background: A call centre usually represents the first contact of a customer with a given company. Therefore, the quality of its service is of key importance. An essential factor of the call centre optimization is the determination of the proper number of operators considering the selected performance measure. Results of previous research show that this can be done using the queueing theory approach. Objectives: The paper presents the practical application of the stochastic queueing models aimed at optimizing a Slovenian telecommunication provider’s call centre. Methods/Approach: The arrival and the service patterns were analysed, and it was concluded that the call centre under consideration can be described using the M/M/r {infinity/infinity/FIFO} queueing model. Results: An appropriate number of operators were determined for different peak periods of the working day, taking into consideration the following four performance measures: the expected waiting time, the expected number of waiting customers, the probability that a calling customer will have to wait, and the call centre service level. Conclusions: The obtained results prove the usefulness and applicability of the queueing models as a tool for a call centre performance optimization. In practice, all the data needed for such a mathematical analysis are usually provided. This paper is aimed at illustrating how such data can be efficiently exploited

    Simulation Based Optimisation of Ground Crews: Case of a Regional Airport

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    Paper presents the simulation models built within an airport ground crew scheduling automatization project at a regional airport. Our goal was to develop robust ground crew task scheduling and shift generation algorithms that would improve on existing heuristic rules. We have utilized simulation modeling to develop and validate the algorithms, starting with a model of the existing scheduling process coded and visualized in spreadsheet software and ending with a hybrid Discrete Event and Agent Based model used for the visualization and verification of the optimized processes. Explicit and tacit expert knowledge was recorded through meetings with airport personnel managers and observation of the ground crew processes. Gathered knowledge was combined with business rules, contractual limitations and labor legislation to develop the final version of the algorithms

    Impact of Green IS Practices on Organizational Benefits: The Perspective of SMEs Managers

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    The presented study investigates the impact of Green information system (Green IS) practices on organizational performance benefits in the context of a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). Three categories of Green IS practices, namely pollution prevention, product stewardship and sustainable development are taken into consideration. Furthermore, organizational benefits are considered to capture the extent to which SMEs achieve environmental and social performance. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse survey data collected from 156 managers of SMEs. The results indicate, that Green IS for pollution prevention and sustainable development have a significant impact on environmental and social performance, while product stewardship is not an effective source of perceived organizational benefits in neither of the proposed aspects. To achieve a higher level of organizational benefits arising from Green IS practices, more focus should be given to the strategic orientation of using Green IS in SMEs. From an academic perspective, the paper enhances the current knowledge in investigating the link between Green IS practices and organizational benefits, particularly in the SMEs perspective

    Attitudes Toward Microchip Implant in Groups Pro and Con its Insertion for Healthcare Purposes

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    The perception of new technologies and medical interventions in the human body changes over time. Attitudes towards new technologies, health issues and approaches differ according to the gender, age, education, place of residence and background of the individual. Our research on the adoption of microchip implants for healthcare purposes has identified two main groups of people: those who would be willing to use microchip implants for healthcare purposes and those who reject this option without considering its use. This study examines the differences in the general opinion on microchip implants between respondents for and against their use for healthcare purposes. An online survey was conducted in four European countries. More than half of the respondents were inclined to use a microchip implant for healthcare purposes. Statistically significant differences in general attitudes towards microchip implants exist between the groups of respondents who are for and against the use of a microchip implant for healthcare purposes. The most significant difference is in perceived usefulness, which shows that respondents who are inclined to use microchip implants for healthcare purposes consider the technology more useful than those who are against it. All respondents disregarding their willingness to use microchip implants showed privacy concerns

    Behaviour Intentions to Use RFID Subcutaneous Microchips: A Cross-sectional Slovenian Perspective

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    This paper presents the second iteration results of a study investigating the possibility of radio frequency identification device subcutaneous microchip (RFID-SM) usage as a substitute for personal identification, healthcare issues, shopping or payments, and home usage. Our aim was to investigate the readiness to use SM-RFID in everyday life. In the study, we used an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to verify the main concerns regarding the use of RFID-SM among Slovenian people. The survey responses were gathered from October until December 2016. After evaluating the model, it can be concluded that the fit of the model is good and the significant path of dependence are similar as in the first study from 2014. Similar to previous results, the Health Concerns have a negative effect on the Perceived Trust and Perceived Usefulness of SM-RFID adoption. On the other hand, the Perceived Trust and Perceived Usefulness have a positive effect on the Behaviour Intention to use SM-RFID

    Integration of MES and ERP in supply chains: effect assessment in the case of the automotive industry

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    U ovom radu procjenjujemo učinke integracije proizvodnih izvršnih sustava (MES) i cjelovitih poslovnih informacionih sustava (ERP) na primjeru srednje velikog poduzeća u automobilskom opskrbnom lancu. Ugrađeno sučelje razvijeno je za uspostavu dvosmjerne razmjene poruka između dvije baze podataka. Razmjena podataka između dva odvojena sustava realizirana je putem posebnog dokumenta – IDoc poruke. Učinci integracije MES i ERP procijenjeni su na temelju referentnog vrijednosnog modela (VRM), koji osigurava mjerljive pokazatelje u više dimenzija. Brzina, troškovi i imovina dva procesa procijenjeni su prije i poslije integracije sustava. Pozitivne promjene odabranih ključnih pokazatelja uspješnosti izmjerene su i potvrđene. Integracija MES i ERP osigurava kontrolirano upravljanje promjenama u opskrbnom lancu (SC) i omogućuje donošenje odluka u stvarnom vremenu. Na primjeru nalaza predstavljenog scenarija, utemeljeno možemo pretpostaviti, da integracija sustava MES i ERP pozitivno utječe na odabrane ključne pokazatelje uspješnosti u opskrbnom lancu.This study assesses the effects of manufacturing execution systems (MES) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integration in the case of a medium-sized enterprise in the automotive supply chain. An embedded interface was developed to provide bidirectional exchange of messages between the two corresponding databases. Data exchange between the two separate systems is facilitated by an intermediate document (IDoc) message. The effects of MES–ERP integration were assessed based on the value reference model (VRM), which ensures measurable indicators in multiple dimensions. Velocity, costs and assets for two processes were evaluated before and after integration. Positive changes in the selected key performance indicators were measured and confirmed. MES–ERP integration ensures controlled change management in the supply chain (SC) and enables decision-making to be carried out in real time. Based on the findings of the presented scenario, one can reasonably assume that MES–ERP integration positively affects the selected key performance indicators of a SC

    Factors influencing the Information Literacy of Students: Preliminary Analysis

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    Our changing society is forcing higher education to improve teaching habits in the context of higher level of information literacy (IL) among students. IL is necessary not for only education but is a skill needed for successful engagement in professional and private life. An IL test and a survey on information and communication technology (ICT) usage were conducted among students from seven different faculties in Slovenia. The presented research in progress presents a preliminary analysis of the IL testing and ICT usage among students, to propose the model of factors influencing the level of students’ IL skills. According to the results, there are differences in IL, but they do not depend on the origin (faculty) of the student. ICT devices and applications usage could be an appropriate predictor of IL

    Markovska analiza uspešnosti in akademskega napredka na visokošolskem študiju

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    Background: The students’ progression towards completing their higher education degrees possesses stochastic characteristics, and can therefore be modelled as an absorbing Markov chain. Such application would have a high practical value and offer great opportunities for implementation in practice. Objectives: The aim of the paper is to develop a stochastic model for estimation and continuous monitoring of various quality and effectiveness indicators of a given higher education study programme. Method: The study programme is modelled by a finite Markov chain with five transient and two absorbing states. The probability transition matrix is constructed. The quantitative characteristics of the absorbing Markov chain, like the expected time until absorption and the probabilities of absorption, are used to determine chosen indicators of the programme. Results: The model is applied to investigate the pattern of students’ enrolment and their academic performance in a Slovenian higher education institution. Based on the students’ intake records, the transition matrix was developed considering eight consecutive academic seasons from 2008/09 until 2016/17. The students’ progression towards the next stage of the study programme was estimated. The expected time that a student spends at a particular stage as well as the expected duration of the study is determined. The graduation and withdrawal probabilities were obtained. Besides, a prediction on the students’ enrolment for the next three academic years was made. The results were interpreted and discussed. Conclusion: The analysis presented is applicable for all higher education stakeholders. It is especially useful for a higher education institution’s managers seeing that it provides useful information to plan improvements regarding the quality and effectiveness of their study programmes to achieve better position in the educational market.Izhodišča: Proces napredovanja študentov do zaključka visokošolskega študija kaže stohastične značilnosti, zato ga lahko popišemo z Markovsko verigo. Taka aplikacija ima veliko praktično vrednost, saj zaradi enostavnosti teoretičnega modela nudi številne priložnosti za implementacijo v praksi. Namen: Namen prispevka je razviti stohastični model za ocenjevanje in spremljanje različnih kvantitativnih indikatorjev kakovosti in učinkovitosti izbranega visokošolskega študijskega programa. Metodologija: Študijski program modeliramo s končno Markovsko verigo s petimi prehodnimi stanji in dvema ponornima stanjema. Predstavljena je prehodna matrika, ki podaja verjetnosti prehodov med posameznimi stanji. Za izračun izbranih indikatorjev študijskega programa uporabimo kvantitativne karakteristike razcepne Markovske verige, kot sta povprečni čas do absorpcije in verjetnost za absorpcijo. Rezultati: Model smo aplicirali na izbrani študijski program slovenske visokošolske institucije. Na osnovi vpisnih podatkov smo oblikovali prehodno matriko, pri čemer smo upoštevali osem zaporednih študijskih let, od vpisnega leta 2008/09 do 2016/17. Ocenili smo delež študentov, ki redno napreduje v naslednji letnik (nivo) študijskega programa. Določili smo povprečni čas zadrževanja študenta na posameznem nivoju študija ter povprečno trajanje študija. Izračunali smo verjetnost, da bo študent uspešno zaključil študij (diplomiral) ali opustil študij. Poleg tega smo napovedali število študentov na posameznem nivoju študijskega programa, ki jih v danih razmerah lahko pričakujemo v naslednjih treh študijskih letih. Prikazane rezultate smo komentirali in diskutirali o možnostih nadaljnjih raziskav. Zaključek: Predstavljena analiza je uporabna za vse deležnike, ki krojijo politiko visokošolskega izobraževanja. Predvsem je uporabna za vodstvo obravnavane visokošolske ustanove, saj nudi pomembne in koristne informacije za načrtovanje izboljšav glede kakovosti in učinkovitosti študijskega programa s ciljem zasesti čim boljšo pozicijo na tržišču visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanov

    Scientific Research Trends in the Field of Digital Transformation

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    Digitalna preobrazba organizacij predstavlja ključni element uspeha v sodobnem poslovnem svetu. Pri tem pomembno vlogo igrajo vodstvo in zaposleni v organizaciji, ter njihovo poznavanje konceptov in tehnologij digitalne preobrazbe. V monografiji predstavljamo aktualne teme s področja digitalne preobrazbe, ki bodo organizacijam z nizkim digitalnim indeksom in ostalim udeležencem v procesu digitalne preobrazbe v pomoč pri lažjem prehodu v digitalno poslovanje. Med prebojnimi tehnologijami, ki jih zasledimo na področju digitalne preobrazbe so v znanstveni monografiji predstavljeni primeri večkriterijskih ekspertnih sistemov za podporo odločanja, opredeljena je vloga podatkov v sodobni organizaciji, obravnavano je področje interneta stvari in kiberfizičnih sistemov, predstavljeni so pristopi k transformaciji modela poslovnega procesa v tehnologijo veriženja blokov, ter podane smernice za učinkovito oblavdovanje kibernetskih tveganj v času pandemije. Poleg primerov uporabe sodobnih tehnologij je predstavljena tudi zasnova prilagodljivega modela strateškega upravljanja informatike.The digital transformation of organizations is a key element for success in modern business. The readiness of management and employees in organizations, as well as expertise in digital transformation concepts and technologies, play an important role. This publication presents current digital transformation topics that can enable organizations with low digital index and other stakeholders in the process of digital transformation to make a smoother transition to digital business. Several topics are presented that discuss breakthrough technologies in digital transformation. An overview of examples of multi-criteria expert decision systems is provided, followed by a presentation of the role of data in modern organizations, the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems, approaches to transforming business process models to blockchain technology, and guidance on securing the organization against pandemic cyber threats. In addition to the examples, a strategic information technology governance model is presented

    Optimization of a call centre performance using the stochastic queueing models

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    Background: A call centre usually represents the first contact of a customer with a given company. Therefore, the quality of its service is of key importance. An essential factor of the call centre optimization is the determination of the proper number of operators considering the selected performance measure. Results of previous research show that this can be done using the queueing theory approach. Objectives: The paper presents the practical application of the stochastic queueing models aimed at optimizing a Slovenian telecommunication provider’s call centre. Methods/Approach: The arrival and the service patterns were analysed, and it was concluded that the call centre under consideration can be described using the M/M/r {infinity/infinity/FIFO} queueing model. Results: An appropriate number of operators were determined for different peak periods of the working day, taking into consideration the following four performance measures: the expected waiting time, the expected number of waiting customers, the probability that a calling customer will have to wait, and the call centre service level. Conclusions: The obtained results prove the usefulness and applicability of the queueing models as a tool for a call centre performance optimization. In practice, all the data needed for such a mathematical analysis are usually provided. This paper is aimed at illustrating how such data can be efficiently exploited